German Advisory Council on the Environment

Management of the secretariat

Dr. Julia Hertin

Dr. Julia Hertin, Secretary-General

Luisenstr. 46
10117 Berlin
Julia Hertin
Phone: +49 30 263696-118

Curriculum Vitae

Julia Hertin is Secretary-General of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU). She has been with the Council in different positions since 2009 with the exception of 2012 to 2013 when she worked on the energy transition in the German Federal Environmental Ministery. Before that, Julia has been working for ten years in environmental research in the UK (SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Sussex) and Germany (Research Centre for Environmental Policy at the Freie Universität Berlin). Her areas of research were environmental policy, sustainability governance, technology and innovation, futures research and adaptation to climate change. Julia has a doctorate from Wageningen University (Netherlands), a diploma in political sciences from the Freie Universität Berlin and a German-French diploma in political and social sciences from the Institut d'Études Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris and the Freie Universität Berlin.



Hertin, J.: Lasst uns aus der Coronakrise lernen! In: oekom (Verein für ökologische Kommunikation) (Hrsg.): Die Coronakrise. Stimulanz für die Große Transformation? München: oekom. Politische Ökologie 163, S. 34–37.

Steuwer, S., Hertin, J.: Climate policy in Germany. Pioneering a complex transformation process. In: Wurzel, Rüdiger K. W., Andersen, Mikael Skou, Tobin, Paul (Hrsg.): Climate Governance across the Globe. Pioneers, Leaders and Followers. Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics. S. 160–181 (Erscheint 31.12.2020).


Hertin, J., Luhmann, H.-J.: Die schmerzhafte Einsicht in die selbstzerstörerischen Folgen der Erderwärmung. GAIA 25 (3), S. 204–205.

Hertin, J.: Making government more reflexive: The role of Regulatory Impact Assessment. Wageningen: Wageningen University.


Hertin, J., Hey, C., Ecker, F.: The Future of the European Electricity Supply: Moving from Energy-Mix Projections to Renewables-Based Scenarios. Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review 1 (2), S. 131–139.


Hertin, J., Jacob, K., Pesch, U., Pacchi, C. : The production and use of knowledge in regulatory impact assessment: An empirical analysis. Forest Policy and Economics 11 (5-6), S. 413–421.

Hertin, J., Turnpenny, J., Jordan, A., Nilsson, M., Russel, D., Nykvist, B.: Rationalising the policy mess? Ex ante policy assessment and the utilisation of knowledge in the policy process. Environment and Planning / A 41 (5), S. 1185–1200.

Jacob, K., Veit, S., Hertin, J.: Gestaltung einer Nachhaltigkeitsprüfung im Rahmen der Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung. Abschlussbericht einer Studie der Freien Universität Berlin im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Berlin: Freie Universität.


Nilsson, M., Jordan, A., Turnpenny, J., Hertin, J., Nykvist, B., Russel, D.: The use and non-use of policy appraisal tools in public policy making: an analysis of three European countries and the European Union. Policy Sciences 41 (4), S. 335–355.


Hertin, J., Berkhout, F.: Environmental Policy Integration for Sustainable Technologies - Rationale and Practical Experiences at EU Level. In: Tait, J., Lyall, C. (Hrsg.): New Modes of Governance: Developing an Integrated Policy Approach to Science, Technology, Risk and the Environment. Adlershot: Ashgate Publishers.


Iraldo, F., Kahlenborn, W., Rubik, F., Hertin, J., Nielsen, B.: EVER: Evaluation of EMAS and Eco-Label for their Revision – Report 2: Research Findings. Milan: Universita Bocconi.


Berkhout, F., Hertin, J.: De-materialising and re-materialising: Digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (8), S. 903–920.


Hertin, J., Berkhout, F.: Analysing institutional strategies for environmental policy integration: The case of EU enterprise policy. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 5 (1), S. 39–56.


Berkhout, F., Hertin, J.: Foresight Futures scenarios - developing and applying a participative strategic planning tool. Greener Management International 37 (Spring), S. 37–52.

Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., Jordan, A.: Socio-economic futures in climate change impact assessment: using scenarios as 'learning machines'. Global Environmental Change 12 (2), S. 83–95.


Berkhout, F., Hertin, J.: Socio-economic scenarios for climate impact assessment. Global Environmental Change 10 (3), S. 165–168.

Joachim Leitner

Joachim Leitner, Managing Director

Luisenstr. 46
10117 Berlin
Joachim Leitner
Phone: +49 30 263696-110

Curriculum Vitae

Joachim Leitner has been the executive director of the German Advisory Council on the Environment since December 2021. He holds university degrees in law and transport science from the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Technology. Previously, he worked as an attorney-at-law and as a legal expert at the Federal Ministry of Transport and the German Environment Agency.

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